ELGi begins a new growth phase
The year 2020 marked Elgi Equipments Ltd’s (ELGi) 60th year of existence. For a Coimbatore-based compressor maker, it was a transformational journey which began way back in 1960 when the late LG Varadarajulu, father of the current managing director, Jairam Varadaraj founded the company as a reciprocating air compressor and garage equipment manufacturing entity.

Elgi aims to become 2nd largest air compressor-maker in world
City-based Elgi Equipments is aiming to become the second largest air compressor manufacturers in the world with a turnover of USD 1.6 billion by 2027, a top executive of the company said. The company was now the first globally established industrial air compressor manufacturer to be awarded the Deming Prize for excellence in total quality management (TQM), its managing director Jairam Varadharaj told reporters on Sunday.

Elgi – Nasscom partnership to focus on skilling 1,000 white-collar employees for business strategy
Dr Jairam Varadaraj, Managing Director, Elgi Equipments, said, “Once we are clear about where we want to deploy a digital platform in our business strategy, people working in those specific functions that will eventually impact the strategy will be looked at. The company will see what other skills are required and will initiate the upskilling and reskilling initiatives accordingly.”

Elgi aims to become 2nd largest air compressor-maker in world
Elgi aims to become 2nd largest air compressor-maker in world Coimbatore, Nov 11 (PTI) City-based Elgi Equipments isaiming to become the second largest air compressormanufacturers in the world with a turnover of USD 1.6 billionby 2027, a top executive of the company said.

Elgi aims to become 2nd largest air compressor-maker in world
City-based Elgi Equipments is aiming to become the second largest air compressor manufacturers in the world with a turnover of USD 1.6 billion by 2027, a top executive of the company said.

Elgi partners with NASSCOM to impart digital skills to employees
Coimbatore-based air compressor manufacturer Elgi Equipments will impart digital skills to its employees across the country through a partnership with NASSCOM.

Deming prize for Elgi Equipments
Air compressor manufacturer Elgi Equipments has won the Deming Prize for excellence in Total Quality Management.

Removing Contaminants From Your Compressed Air System
The atmospheric air contains moisture, particle contaminants, microorganisms, and gases. When this air gets compressed, the concentration of such particles increases by 6 to 10 times. However, when this atmospheric air gets compressed by an air compressor, other contaminants like oil and metal traces get added during the compression process. That is why removing these contaminants is essential before using compressed air across any application.

Interview with Business India Magazine, title – Short-term scramble
The Coimbatore-based ELGi E quipm ents is ‘moving heaven and earth’ to make as many compressors as possible to meet the huge requirement of oxygen generation equipment,informs Jairam Varadaraj, the ?l,100-crore compressor major’s managing director.

கோவையை சேர்ந்த எல்.ஜி நிறுவனத்திற்கு ஜப்பானின் உயரிய விருது…!
கோவை: கோவையை சேர்ந்த எல்ஜி எக்யூப்மென்ட்ஸ் நிறுவனத்திற்கு ஜப்பானின் உயரிய ‘டேமிங் 2019’ விருது வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.